About Tara Kishan Foundation

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About Tara Kishan Foundation

The Tara-Kishan Foundation was established in New York in 2020 to preserve historical, cultural, linguistic, and ethnic upliftment for service-oriented human development. The world’s linguists and scientists are working hard to keep flora and fauna alive. Exploratory and enlightening materials are written in a factual planned way through history or social studies, civics, behavioral sciences or biological nature, technology materials, literature, and cultural activities to the citizens of every country in society. The truth is the same. Man is born empty-handed, naked, and voiceless and is also liberated over time. Despite knowing these things, people are found to be inclined towards evil thoughts such as envy, exploitation, oppression, and greed.

Keeping clean thought, vision, and patriotism activities such as various language, Art, Culture, festivals, and literacy activities will be promoted with the aim to spread awareness for citizens of Nepal and Nepali who are residing all over the world institutionally. Under Section 402, Tara-Kishan Foundation Inc., a purely non-profit organization, was formally registered with the United States Department of Internal Revenue in the state of New York in 2020. Literature, art, and culture are the definitions of human life. Culture, civilization, and instinct are the schools of life. Tara-Kishan Foundation believes that it will be a bridge to introduce each other’s ethnic languages, customs, and cultures. Citizens are spreading all over the world. Culture is disappearing with passing time. Unless in the inner and public do not instill the thought that culture and cultural development can be built, change cannot prevail. Also, the country and society’s culture cannot be identified.

Therefore, the constitution of a purely non-profit human welfare organization will be in both Nepali and English languages. Its official language will be in Nepali, and the language of correspondence will be in both Nepali and English. The Tara-Kishan Foundation is headquartered in New York State, USA. This organization will always work in the field of literature and culture among Nepalis, who are all over Nepal and the world.